
This website was developed by bpost SA/NV, hereinafter referred to as ‘bpost’, which is also responsible for managing and administering the website. bpost is a limited company under public law, with its registered office at Boulevard Anspach 1/1, 1000 Brussels. 
If you have any complaints or questions regarding our products, please contact our customer service department. 
BPOST, company limited by shares under public law, Boulevard Anspachlaan 1/1, 1000 Brussels.VAT BE 0214.596.464 Brussels business register. BPOST is registered under this number as a banking and investment services agent for BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV, a tied consumer credit agent for BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV and Alpha Credit SA/NV and an insurance sub-agent for BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV.



This website is made available to you subject to your unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of use, provisions and warnings contained in our contractual provisions (“General Terms and Conditions of Use”). By accessing and using the website you unreservedly accept these General Terms and Conditions of Use. 
These General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to this website and to all of bpost’s internet and other network initiatives. 
If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions of Use is inapplicable, or conflicts with a provision of mandatory law, this inapplicability will not affect the validity or applicability of the other provisions. 
You acknowledge that the present General Terms and Conditions of Use and the use of this website will not result in the creation of any form of legal partnership between you and bpost.


bpost reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time and without express notice. It is therefore advisable to read these General Terms and Conditions of Use every time you visit the website.

The scope of the information contained in the website

This website is intended to provide general information about bpost, its subsidiaries and their and the company’s respective activities. 
Although bpost makes every effort to provide information that it believes to be up to date and correct, bpost does not guarantee the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of this information, nor does it guarantee that the website is comprehensive or suitable for use for a particular purpose. bpost does not guarantee constant access to the website, or the absence of malfunctions or the proper functioning of the  website. 
The information provided on this website is not intended to serve as a basis for the evaluation of bpost (or of one of its subsidiaries). The interested visitor shall, if necessary, refer to sources of information provided by law for this purpose.  
Nothing contained in this website should be construed as an offer to purchase or sell products or services, or in general to enter into an agreement, unless otherwise stated. Likewise, nothing on this website shall be deemed to constitute an offer to purchase or subscribe to bpost stock (or that of one of its subsidiaries). 
However, when goods or services are expressly offered for sale, users should be aware that the information, particularly regarding the products offered for sale, may be modified without prior notice. The purchase of the products themselves is subject to separate terms and conditions. 
bpost cannot be held liable in any way for the absence of specific information on the website, the content on this website, or for the use that may be made of it.

Viruses and crimes

bpost makes every effort to protect its website against viruses, hacking attacks and other cybercrimes, but does not guarantee the absence of viruses, hacking attacks, or other cybercrimes. 


The website may contain hyperlinks to the websites of third parties. These are displayed to users for information purposes only.  bpost has no control over the content of these websites and cannot under any circumstances be held liable for the existence of these websites or for the information contained therein. Furthermore, the existence of these links does not imply bpost’s agreement with the content of these websites, nor does the inclusion of these links imply any collaboration between bpost and the operators of the websites.  
If you wish to create a hyperlink from your own website to this website, please first contact the webmaster (webmaster@bpost.be), who will inform you as soon as possible whether this is permissible.

Exoneration clause

The information, products and services on this website may contain technical and content inaccuracies or typographical errors. This information is periodically subject to changes. bpost and/or suppliers may, at any time, make changes to the website. Do not make any important decisions based on information gained via the website. Please consult a qualified professional to receive specific advice suited to your situation.  
Except in the case of intent or fraud, bpost cannot under any circumstances be held liable through tort, contractual or product liability, for any direct, indirect or incidental loss or damage whatsoever (including but not limited to loss of profits, savings or professional opportunities, loss of data, damage to or loss of business, business stagnation, or personnel costs), even if such loss or damage is a result of gross negligence or repeated negligence, caused by i) the website, including the unavailability or technical functioning thereof; ii) information or content on the website; iii) viruses, hacking attacks and other cybercrimes; or iv) the content and use of websites to which the hyperlinks on the website refer; bpost cannot be held liable even if bpost or one of its suppliers has been informed of the possibility of such loss or damage. Any use of this website is therefore entirely at the user’s own risk. Some countries and some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for indirect or consequential damage, so this limitation may not apply to you. If you do not agree with the General Terms and Conditions of Use, your only right of recourse is to no longer use this website. 


The website, including texts, layout, graphic components, presentation, logos, software and other components of this site, is protected by the intellectual property rights of bpost or its suppliers, such as copyright, related rights, database rights and trademark rights.   
The reproduction, circulation, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation, translation, processing and use for commercial purposes of the whole or a part of this website is forbidden, except with the prior written consent of bpost.

Protection of privacy

bpost has established a clear policy regarding the protection of your privacy on this page. Please see this page for information regarding the collection and use of your data.

Anti-spamming policy

Spamming is the mass sending of emails to people who have not solicited them. These emails have mainly commercial purposes. This sort of practice is not only aggressive, it also overloads the communication servers and thereby hinders the flow of communication.  
bpost does not allow its own computers or the network to be used to distribute unsolicited information or publicity emails to its users.  
It is prohibited to use a bpost connection or server to send large quantities of unsolicited electronic messages, to receive replies to unsolicited messages, or to send an excessive number of messages to newsgroups whose title or subject has nothing to do with the title of the discussion forum, or which may be perceived to be offensive or insulting, or which harm the image of The Belgian Post Group or entities associated with it.  
bpost reserves the right to decide that a particular message does not respect the rules of a newsgroup or address list or may be deemed to be generally disturbing.

Confidentiality of emails

bpost guards the confidentiality of your messages, but your messages are currently not protected by encryption methods. 
bpost reserves the right to access information relating to messages of a public nature, such as messages presented in newsgroups, chat boxes, or forums, if it has a reasonable suspicion that this communication relates to unauthorised activities.


bpost subscribes to the Code of Conduct approved by the ISPA (Internet Service Providers Association). ISPA Belgium was established to defend the interests of Internet Service Providers in Belgium. The Code of Conduct is a collection of general rules of deontology and courtesy developed by Internet users and is known as Netiquette. The user declares that they are familiar with these rules. (Consult the Code of Conduct
This means that bpost has the right to immediately deny access without judicial intervention if, for example:  

  • the user uses bpost’s services in an unlawful manner, i.e. in a manner contrary to these General Terms and Conditions of Use or the Code of Conduct or does not respect the rights of third parties;  
  • the user disseminates information in a manner contrary to national or international rules, generally accepted standards and values, morality, these General Terms and Conditions of Use or the Code of Conduct; 
  •  the user disseminates messages that are discriminatory with regard to appearance, race, religion, gender, culture or origin or may be interpreted as offensive.  
  • The purpose of these measures is to protect bpost’s users and to create a decent and enriching Internet environment.  


bpost is not bound to monitor any newsgroup. However, bpost reserves the right to decide that a particular message does not respect the rules of a newsgroup or address list, or may be deemed to be generally disturbing, and to redact, refuse to post or to delete all or part of documents or information at any time, unilaterally. Furthermore, bpost reserves the right to disseminate whatsoever information in order to comply with every applicable law or regulation, to comply with any judicial or administrative order or to enforce its legal and contractual obligations. 
If you as a user consider certain messages to be offensive, you are invited to inform us by email to webmaster@bpost.be

User Commitments

The user undertakes i) not to use the website for illegal or harmful purposes; ii) not to prevent access to the website, nor to disrupt or alter the website, nor to make the website less efficient or cause damage to the website, bpost, or third parties; iii) not to use the website to transmit or disseminate computer viruses or harmful or illegal information; iv) not to compromise the intellectual rights present on the website; (v) not to send or post unsolicited messages.  
bpost reserves the right to notify the competent authorities about users who violate Belgian or international law and to suspend for an indefinite period of time access to and use of the services and data of any user who violates or fails to comply with these General Terms and Conditions of Use.  

Applicable legislation and competent court

All disputes relating to or arising from (the use of) this website shall be subject exclusively to Belgian law. The Brussels courts have exclusive jurisdiction to act in these disputes. Use of this website is permitted only in countries where all of the present provisions, including this paragraph, are applicable. 
A printed version of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and of any warning issued in electronic form shall be accepted in any judicial or administrative proceedings arising out of or relating to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, in the same manner and under the same conditions as other documents and commercial registers created and kept in printed form. All rights not expressly granted in this document are reserved. 

Anti-misuse line 

Let us all fight together against misuse!All complaints regarding abusive or illegal use of the bpost network can be reported, either in writing to bpost SA/NV Boulevard Anspach 1/1, 1000 Brussels, or by email to webmaster@bpost.be