How do I file a complaint if my parcel is damaged or lost, or hasn’t been delivered?

We are sorry about your damaged parcel.

Tip: If you notice the damage at the Pick-up Point, then you can refuse the parcel. It will be sent back to the sender.

I am the recipient

If you are the recipient of the parcel, you cannot submit a complaint yourself. Fortunately, most senders have set up fixed arrangements with bpost in case their parcels get lost or damaged. Please get in touch with the sender for the best solution for your order (e.g. have your order reshipped or receive a refund).

  • If you have received a damaged parcel from Belgium, please contact the sender within 7 days and provide him with photos of the damaged packaging and/or contents.
  • If you have received a damaged parcel from abroad, please contact bpost (02 278 51 26) + the sender within 7 days and provide him with photos of the damaged packaging and/or contents.

I am the sender

If you are the sender of the parcel, it is best to contact our customer service via our online form. This way you can immediately provide all the necessary information and documents to process your file. In case of damage, your complaint must be submitted to us within 7 calendar days.

If you didn't find an answer to your question?


Please contact us.

Web form

Report a problem with a sent parcel


Monday - Friday :
08.00 – 12.30
13.00 – 18.00

Saturday :
09.00 – 13.00

Zonal rate. Waiting time varies.