What should I do if my parcel cannot be cleared because insufficient information is provided?
If your parcel cannot be cleared because insufficient information is provided, you will be asked to upload the missing documents with the relevant bpost form.
bpost form in FR: Documents de douane relatifs aux envois internationaux
bpost form in NL: Douanedocumenten bij internationale zendingen
The sooner we receive this information, the sooner your parcel will be cleared through customs.
You will receive this request by email, text message or as a push notification in the My bpost app. If you do not respond or bpost does not have your relevant contact details you will be sent a letter.
You will also find the request for information and the link to the form in the My bpost app or Track & Trace.
These documents are required for parcels to clear customs:
- For purchases: an invoice/proof of payment stating the contents and the value.
- For gifts: an email from the sender stating the contents of the shipment, the value (up to €45) and the fact that it is a gift.
- For special authorisations or exemptions: the certificate date and number.
- For diplomatic exemptions: an 136F form completed in full and validated, uploaded online and original sent by mail.
- For business purchases when subject to VAT: an EORI number and a VAT number (if you have a licence to defer VAT payments on imports, you must state the ET 14000 licence number).
If you do not respond to this request for additional information within 14 days we will return your parcel to the sender.
Charges may be payable to clear your parcel through customs. Customs duties, VAT and all other possible charges (such as anti-dumping duties and environmental duties) are calculated based on the information you provide. As the addressee, you will receive a request by email, text message, push notification or letter to pay any import charges. You must settle these charges in the My bpost app or Track & Trace before delivery.

Please contact us.
Monday - Friday :
08.00 – 12.30
13.00 – 18.00
Saturday :
09.00 – 13.00
Zonal rate. Waiting time varies.